Franz Stuhlmann

Franz Stuhlmann (1863–1928) was a German zoölogist and African explorer, born in Hamburg. After studying at Tübingen and Freiburg, he went to East Africa in 1888, and during the revolt of the Arabs in 1890 entered the German corps of defense as a lieutenant, and was severely wounded at Mlembule. After his recovery he joined the expedition of Emin Pasha to the lake region, was sent ahead from Undussuma to Lake Victoria, and reached the coast in July, 1892, at Bagamoyo, whence he returned to Germany with valuable cartographic material and rich collections, to which he added copiously on another trip to German East Africa, undertaken in 1893-94 by order of the government. In 1908-10 he was secretary of the Colonial Institute in Hamburg. His publications include: